
Showing posts from June, 2020
-manifestation and its effect-  this is proved in practical life   through many celeb that manifestation has played role in many of the people they know and in their life too like Will Smith,Jim cerry,Oprah winfrey,Tyler perry,Kanye west and many more,since i am a great devotee of shiva and great follower of 'Hinduism"  so according to it  there is a quite famous saying in bhagvat Geeta that is YATHA DRISHTI   TATHA SHRISHTI  that means the way you will observe and look the universe,it would become like that for you.....  here we can conclude that manifestation is a term which has been already given in our sanatan religion ,in shree bhagvat geeta. brothers and sisters the need is just to work harder and  manifest the things,the whole universe would realign itself to give it to you........